Befriending & Social care
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Bentleys Home care
Befriending Services in Dundee & surrounding areas
Many people benefit from the support of a befriender at a time of change in their life or when they are socially isolated due to illness, old age or personal circumstances. Befriending is about listening and supporting another person, through face to face, Zoom or telephone contact, where a befriending relationship is established to develop social contact and interaction. It is also a great way to tackle isolation and promote a sense of well-being. Befriending is about acceptance and choice, not about creating dependence. Befriending is about offering positive and regular contact and easing loneliness. It is not about replacing social care requirements, solving someone’s problems or friendship in the traditional sense. “The chances are we’ve all been affected by Loneliness, either directly or through someone close to us. We can all do more to try and make a difference and make our country a less lonely place.” – Ex Minister for Loneliness Baroness Diana Barran
Social Care for residents in Dundee & surrounding areas
Furthermore individuals with physical or mental health impairments can often become isolated and have limited support networks. One possible avenue for building and sustaining social relationships in the community for these individuals is through befriending. We identify befriending as a supportive and unidirectional relationship that aims to alleviate loneliness and provide social support through the provision of one-to-one regular companionship by Bentleys Befrienders.