The Benefits Of Longer Home Care Visits


It’s a common perception that efficiency equals speed, and according to a host of work practice manuals, time equals money. In the case of home visits, the opposite applies. Molly, a lady in her mid-seventies, broke her hip a year ago. Before that, she had lived alone since her husband of almost fifty years, Stanley, died five years ago.

Molly and Stan hadn’t been blessed with children and, as a result, enjoyed each other’s company to the exclusion of others. They worked and played together so much that it was only recently that Molly realised how lonely her life had become. After returning home after her hip replacement, Molly received a month’s statutory personal care. Carers visited twice daily in strict half-hourly appointments and a physiotherapist weekly.

While Molly made a rapid physical recovery, mentally, these visits served as a reminder of Molly’s ongoing social isolation. Through a chance discussion with one of the carers, Molly discovered Bentleys Home Care. Bentleys has proven a godsend. Molly no longer feels socially isolated. She looks forward to weekly visits and outings with Hazel, her Bentley friend.

It is a truism that no one can ever replace Stanley, but Hazel’s quiet, unhurried approach and manner have provided the companionship Molly lacked. The carers addressed Molly’s immediate physical needs; Bentleys via Hazel have enhanced Molly’s social life to the extent that Molly is no longer just a passive participant but proactively suggests future outings.